Let's face it. Tacos are the best food on the planet. If only there was a way to enjoy this little hand held delights guilt free. Well now, there is! These Vegan Leaf Tacos are so freaking bomb and so quick to whip up! In a bind for time but don't want to compromise your waistline? Give these yummy San Jose Cauliflower Tacos a try!
- Romaine Lettuce/Butter Lettuce - 1/2 Cup Salsa - 1/4 Cup Steamed Cauliflower - 1 Can Black Beans - 4 tbsp Chili Powder - 1 Tbs Garlic Powder
- 1/2 Cup Corn - 1/2 Cup Shredded Carrots - 1 Diced White Onion
Step 1: In a pan grill together Steamed Cauliflower, Shredded Carrots, Corn, Black Beans, Diced Onion and seasoning.
Step 2: Wash and pat dry Romaine/Butter Lettuce.
Step 3: Once pan grilled ingredients are cooked, evenly fill Romaine Leafs. Top with Salsa.